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What is All the Hype Around Name, Image, and Likeness in Virginia’s College Sports?:维吉尼亚州法律简介


If you have watched any college sports during the 2021-2022 season, 那么你可能听说过“名字”这个词, Image, 重复时相似(" NIL "). But what is all the hype around NIL in college sports and why now?2021-2022赛季之前, college athletes could get severely punished for receiving compensation in connection with use of their NIL. For example, 大学运动员的奖项可能会被取消, 程序胜利可以被清空, 或者运动员...

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的对. 弗吉尼亚的离婚争议


In Virginia, a spouse who decides to get divorced has a decision to make. Should they file for divorce based on fault grounds or no-fault separation grounds?This article will offer a “Virginia Divorce 101” overview on fault and no-fault grounds for divorce, the procedural difference between uncontested and contested divorces, and the advantages of uncontested divorce in terms of time and cost.弗吉尼亚州离婚的过错理由和无过错理由...

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原告在诉讼中获得判决, the plaintiff still must collect the amount owed by the defendant.  根据弗吉尼亚法律, there are several options available to a party attempting to collect a debt when the defendant does not pay willingly.  One of the most common tools is a garnishment – a legal proceeding filed by the plaintiff to obtain assets of the defendant that are being held by a third party to satisfy the debt – often wages held...

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The amount of money the landowner receives from the award in a condemnation case is referred to as just compensation. Does it sound just to you as a taxpayer that the landowner might have their amount of compensation that the landowner receives out of states funds be determined by the landowner’s friends, 或者是土地所有者的商业伙伴?[1]  There exists in Virginia’s eminent domain code a procedure by which that can happen, 作为现实的一部分...

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Here’s a brief summary of some of the more notable laws passed by the 2021 Virginia legislature. 大多数新法律将于7月1日生效. A common theme is that they are generally considered defense-friendly, but not all. You should consult an attorney or read the code if you want to know specifics.死刑将于3月24日废除, 2021 Virginia became the first southern state to abolish Capital Punishment. 自1976年以来,美国. S. 最高法院支持...

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From Leash Laws to Dog Bites: Your Legal Responsibilities as a Dog Owner


According to the Virginia Department of Health Animal Contact and Human Health Statistics, more than 4.7 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the United States. 大约39%的咬伤发生在狗的家外. [1]任何品种的狗都可能咬人. There is no way to know if a dog is a biter by only their breed, size, or age. 作为狗主人, 遵守法律是你的责任, 不仅仅是为了他人的安全, 但是对于...

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Marriage Reconciliation Agreements: the Lex Pacificatoria before the Last Resort of Divorce


当世界遭受战争和战争威胁时, our global community sometimes overcomes by reconciling conflicts through peace treaties. Lex Pacificatoria意为“和平缔造者的法律”,” and refers to this art of negotiating peace agreements to end a state of war or to create permanent peace.It would not be an overstatement to say that many people experience personal wars in their lives when going through separation or divorce.  有些人可能会这样想...

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May 19, 2021

Many people assume that if they prevail in a civil court case and the Judge enters a judgment order against the Defendant, 胜诉的原告将自动获得报酬.  不幸的是,许多成功的原告, winning the lawsuit is just the first step in recovering the funds which they are owed.When a Defendant loses a civil case and has a judgment entered against her/him, 她/他被称为“判决债务人”.“成功的原告是...

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Willful Misconduct: An Employer’s Tool to Bar Virginia Workers’ Compensation Benefits


Under Va. Code §65.2-306, an employee who otherwise suffered a compensable workplace accident may be denied workers’ compensation benefits if the employer proves that the employee was engaged in a form of willful misconduct at the time of the accident. Whether an employee’s conduct rises to the level of willful misconduct is a question of fact that will be determined by the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission.   当员工把他/她自己...

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Addressing Landowner Arguments for Stricter Review of Public Projects in the Wake of the 2013 Eminent Domain Amendment


对第一条的修正, section 11 of the Virginia Constitution that became effective January 1, 2013, restricted the power of eminent domain and expanded the right to compensation in certain clearly defined ways.  It also included two broader policy statements that counsel for landowners have seized upon to argue that courts should subject takings to more scrutiny than in the past.  While these arguments have a surface appeal, a closer examination...

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